
Instruments are automatically submitted to the system and your program’s account once the student or field instructor clicks the submit button.

You can generate a report instantly after the instruments have been submitted.

For information on how to access your reports see, “How do I get a report? below.

See the, “How do I submit my instruments for processing?” video tutorial on the resources page.

Click on the “profile” button to sign into your account.  You will find a list of completed instruments in your profile.  Click on make a report and follow the instructions.

Reports for online instruments are self-generated.  Reports can be generated at any time.

Online Instruments are simple to use. You order them via the SWEAP order page on our website. Each link is an individual instrument and cannot be copied.

For detailed instructions visit our Instructions Page

We have example language for you to use in your LMS instructions, too. Find it HERE

It is simple to add colleagues in order to facilitate their administration of SWEAP instruments for your school. It is also simple to remove access after a colleague has left a particular role at your school.

  1. Each colleague needs to register with SWEAP using their SCHOOL email address. Super easy and free: Click on “Log In” and then register.
  2. When a current SWEAP user already affiliated with a school is logged into their SWEAP account,  they can add/remove access through the user interface.
    1. Simply click on “My Account” from the top of the page.
    2. Then, choose “Share Access” from the side menu.
    3. Colleagues with the same university email address extension should be listed.
    4. You can select to add/remove them to the school’s account.

If you have an unpaid balance, please count up the instruments that still need to be paid for and submit an “order” for that amount.  Once the unpaid balance of your account has been rectified, you will have access to all of your SWEAP data and reports.

For example, if my program has an account balance due of $50.00, I will “order” 50 of the unpaid balance items.

If you are unsure about how much you owe, contact the SWEAP President, Tobi DeLong Hamilton, at

Pay Now

There are no cash refunds for unused SWEAP instruments. Unused SWEAP instruments are not transferable between colleges and universities.  If you have unused SWEAP instruments, you can exchange them for credit towards a new instrument purchase.

Navigate to the “My Account”/SWEAP User Interface. Once there, choose the instrument type that you would like to exchange for credit. Choose “Exchange Forms for Store Credit”. Select the checkbox for the items you would like to exchange. Then click “Exchange Instruments for Store Credit” at the bottom of the window. You will see the value of the instruments that you are exchanging, before the process is completed.

Please note that you will receive credit for the value of the instrument WHEN PURCHASED.

The store credit will be automatically made available to you and other SWEAP registered users from your program when checking out with new purchases.  If you would like to know the balance of your program’s existing credit, contact us at

Some SWEAP paper instruments ask students to enter their ID number. This item is optional and at the discretion of the Social Work Program. SWEAP does not require this information. This ID number can be any number the program chooses.  The ID number allows programs to match students across instruments from entrance to exit.

See for additional information.

On the SWEAP Curriculum Assessment Instrument, the default competency threshold is set so that students are rated as achieving competency when they correctly answer at least 50% of the items/questions in a given competency area. This threshold is set at 50% because the question set is designed to be difficult, and on average, students answer 50-60% of questions correctly.  Programs must then choose the benchmark for their program (ie. what percentage of students achieving this competency threshold does the program determine to be the goal?)

On the SWEAP Field Instrument, the default competency threshold is set so that students are rated as achievement competency when the average (mean) rating provided by their field instructor in a given competency area is a 3 (competency performance, or higher). Programs must then choose the benchmark for their program (ie. what percentage of students achieving this competency threshold does the program determine to be the goal?)

Programs can increase, or decrease, from the default competency threshold on these instruments for an extra charge.

SWEAP cannot recommend programs set their benchmarks at a particular level. This is a decision that must be made by each individual program. Identifying benchmarks is important, but what may be equally as important is providing a solid rational that justifies the amount that was selected by the program.

Reports generated by SWEAP on the SWEAP Curriculum Instrument and the SWEAP Field Instrument DO indicate the percentage of students who meet and exceed the assigned competency threshold for each of the 9 CSWE Generalist Practice Competencies. This information can be directly used in response to CSWE accreditation requirements for website reporting, and self-study reporting.

Securing Instrument Copies

There is no need to make a request of SWEAP to get a copy of an instrument you have purchased. You can do this yourself. In the SWEAP User Interface. 

To access the SWEAP User Interface, click on “My account” at the top of any page on our website. Choose “Instruments/Reports”. Select the instrument you seek a copy of. Then select “Download PDF Version of the Form” or "Download Answer Key PDF".

Securing Instrument "Answer Keys"

CSWE requires programs to provide "answer keys" for all instruments used in program assessment.

There is no such thing as an "answer key" for the SWEAP Field Instrument and SWEAP Exit Instrument. You simply need to provide an uncompleted instrument to CSWE to satisfy the requirement. Follow the instructions for accessing that copy through the SWEAP User Interface, above.

The SWEAP Curriculum Instrument answer key is available through the SWEAP User Interface. 

PLEASE DO NOT USE THE ANSWER KEY TO TEACH TO THE TEST. Such a use negates the purpose of the tool for effective program assessment.

How to videos can be found here.  Click on the link and scroll to the bottom of the page to find video tutorials on interpreting your results.

Office Administrator Contact:

Social Work Education Assessment Project
160 Martinique Road
North Port, FL 34287

One of our team members would be happy to set up a phone or virtual meeting consultation with you or your program faculty.  Contact any one of us to set up a meeting time.

SWEAP is committed to providing the highest quality assessment instruments designed to aid undergraduate and graduate social work programs in evaluation necessary for program development and improvement. SWEAP instruments are specifically designed to be responsive to the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), related to both initial accreditation and reaffirmation. However, each social work program is individually responsible for appropriately reporting and interpreting data provided through SWEAP instruments to CSWE.